What Good And Bad Personality Mixture Do You Have?
u4MkMfZ What Good And Bad Personality Mixture Do You Have? What Good And Bad Personality Mixture Do You Have? Everyone has a little naughty AND nice in them…take this quiz to find out which traits are most dominant in YOUR personality!

Are you more right-brained (creative, emotional) or left-brained (logical, analytic)?

Are you more right-brained (creative, emotional) or left-brained (logical, analytic)?
  • Right
  • Left
  • A bit of both!

What type of person are you?

What type of person are you?
  • Optimist
  • Realist

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how outgoing and extroverted are you?

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how outgoing and extroverted are you?
  • 1-5
  • 6-8
  • 9-10

Choose a verb!

Choose a verb!
  • Writing
  • Laughing
  • Eating
  • Traveling
  • Reading
  • Chatting
  • Dancing

What type of weather do you enjoy most?

What type of weather do you enjoy most?
  • Warm & Sunny
  • Cool & Cloudy
  • Windy & Rainy
  • Cold & Snowy

What's your Achilles Heel?

What's your Achilles Heel?
  • I can be a worry-wart.
  • I can be over-confident.
  • I can be too trusting.
  • It's tough for me to make decisions.

Pick a pattern!

Pick a pattern!
  • Polka Dots
  • Stripes
  • Zig Zag

Which high school 'hall of fame' award would you most likely win?

Which high school 'hall of fame' award would you most likely win?
  • Most Likely To Succeed
  • Most Happy-Go-Lucky
  • World Traveler
  • Homecoming Queen/King

Choose a red fruit!

Choose a red fruit!
  • Apple
  • Cherry
  • Watermelon

What type of beginner's class sounds the most fun to you?

What type of beginner's class sounds the most fun to you?
  • Budget Traveling
  • Creative Writing
  • Yoga/Zumba Fusion
  • Swing Dancing