What Question Are You Afraid To Ask Yourself?
sdpYBFa What Question Are You Afraid To Ask Yourself? What Question Are You Afraid To Ask Yourself? Is there anything you can't ask yourself?

Do you have any regrets?

Do you have any regrets?
  • Who doesn't?
  • I try not to but I have a few
  • No I don't

Which would you say you live in?

Which would you say you live in?
  • The past
  • The present
  • The future

Which do you consider most important for human connection?

Which do you consider most important for human connection?
  • Knowledge
  • Honesty
  • Loyalty
  • Emotional balance
  • Communication

Do you find yourself getting bored easily?

Do you find yourself getting bored easily?
  • Absolutely
  • Sometimes I do
  • No I don't

Are you satisfied with your life currently?

Are you satisfied with your life currently?
  • Not at all
  • It fluctuates but for the most part I am
  • Yes I am

Do you love your job?

Do you love your job?
  • Absolutely
  • Not really
  • No I'm not

When you think about the future, you feel:

When you think about the future, you feel:
  • Excited
  • Confused
  • Content
  • Anxious
  • Disappointed

Do you travel often?

Do you travel often?
  • Not at all
  • Sometimes I do
  • Yes I do

Do you enjoy spending time outdoors?

Do you enjoy spending time outdoors?
  • Absolutely
  • It depends
  • Not at all

Do you truly know who you are as a person?

Do you truly know who you are as a person?
  • Yes I do
  • Not really
  • No I don't