Which Emoticon Are You?
sXRDHlK Which Emoticon Are You? Which Emoticon Are You? One of these emojis fit your personality but which one?

What do you usually do first thing in the morning?

What do you usually do first thing in the morning?
  • Sleep past my alarm
  • Make a cup of coffee
  • Rush to work
  • It changes throughout the day

Are you a shy person at all?

Are you a shy person at all?
  • I'm a very shy person
  • Not at all
  • It depends on who I'm around

Where could be found during a party?

Where could be found during a party?
  • I wouldn't be at a party
  • Being the life of the party
  • Flirting with someone
  • Somewhere off on my own
  • Other

Which do you think is most important for a person to have in order to succeed in life?

Which do you think is most important for a person to have in order to succeed in life?
  • The ability to laugh at themselves
  • Strict morals
  • Charm
  • Power
  • Peace

Do you prefer to be surrounded by people or to be off alone?

Do you prefer to be surrounded by people or to be off alone?
  • Surrounded by people
  • Probably alone

Are you more bossy or reserved?

Are you more bossy or reserved?
  • Bossy
  • Reserved
  • A bit of both

Do you go out partying a lot?

Do you go out partying a lot?
  • Of course not
  • Very rarely
  • All the time
  • Sometimes

Which place makes you feel most peaceful?

Which place makes you feel most peaceful?
  • A busy city
  • The countryside
  • Within myself
  • A small town
  • Other

Do find yourself laughing a lot?

Do find yourself laughing a lot?
  • Of course
  • Sometimes
  • Not usually

Are you in a romantic relationship?

Are you in a romantic relationship?
  • Yes I am
  • No, I prefer to be free
  • It's complicated