Are You More Steve Carell Or Michael Scott?
lNEjt4i Are You More Steve Carell Or Michael Scott? Are You More Steve Carell Or Michael Scott? Everyone is either Steve Carrell or his on screen character, Michael Scott? When it comes right down to it, who are you more like? Are you more feared or loved? Let's find out!

You're on a business trip and can stay at any hotel chain. Which do you choose?

You're on a business trip and can stay at any hotel chain. Which do you choose?
  • La Quinta
  • Best Western
  • Four Seasons

Everyone's gotta eat! Where would you most like to grab lunch?

Everyone's gotta eat! Where would you most like to grab lunch?
  • Chilis
  • Panera
  • Chipotle

Which vacation sounds most appealing to you?

Which vacation sounds most appealing to you?
  • An all inclusive trip to Sandals in Jamaica.
  • A ski trip in Aspen.
  • A food tour of Italy.

People often say that you're a bit too....

People often say that you're a bit too....
  • Gullible.
  • Naive.
  • Kind.

What's your favorite way to cook up a steak?

What's your favorite way to cook up a steak?
  • On a Foreman Grill.
  • On a real outside grill.
  • In a cast iron pan.

Which color car would you most likely buy?

Which color car would you most likely buy?
  • Red
  • Black
  • White

How do you give back to the world?

How do you give back to the world?
  • I advocate for important causes.
  • I run a 5k.
  • I donate to telethons.

Nothing beats waking up to the smell of...

Nothing beats waking up to the smell of...
  • Coffee
  • Bacon
  • Cinnamon buns

How important is winning to you?

How important is winning to you?
  • Very important.
  • Somewhat important.
  • Not important at all.

What's the weirdest thing we'd find in your phone?

What's the weirdest thing we'd find in your phone?
  • Pictures of puppies.
  • A nude photo.
  • Lots of selfies.