Can This Quiz Reveal If You Overthink Too Much?
ff1e663 Can This Quiz Reveal If You Overthink Too Much? Can This Quiz Reveal If You Overthink Too Much? Have you ever wondered if you overthink too much? Is your overthinking actually a problem? It's time to find out if you're overthinking the things that matter most in your life. Ready to find out if you overthink? To the quiz!

What keeps you up at night?

What keeps you up at night?
  • My extra long to do list.
  • That embarrassing thing that happened to me 10 years ago.
  • What might happen in the future.
  • Work or life stresses.

Do you often come up with comebacks or witty jokes hours after the conversation has ended?

Do you often come up with comebacks or witty jokes hours after the conversation has ended?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never

Someone doles out a nice compliment to you. What are you most likely to think?

Someone doles out a nice compliment to you. What are you most likely to think?
  • That was really nice of them!
  • They must be trying to trick me.
  • I wonder if they were genuine?

How long does it take you to choose an outfit in the morning?

How long does it take you to choose an outfit in the morning?
  • Like 5 minutes.
  • At least 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Usually a half hour or so.
  • Literally hours!

How many times does a waiter or waitress have to leave the table because you can't choose a menu item?

How many times does a waiter or waitress have to leave the table because you can't choose a menu item?
  • Maybe once or twice.
  • A handful of time.
  • I'm always ready the first time.

What are you most likely to do while drunk?

What are you most likely to do while drunk?
  • Profess my love to those around me.
  • Confess all of my darkest secrets.
  • Angrily stomp around accusing people of things.
  • None of these.
  • I don't drink.

When it comes to big decisions, you almost always...

When it comes to big decisions, you almost always...
  • Make several pro/con lists.
  • Ask a few people for their opinion.
  • Simply go with my gut.

Have you ever turned around on your way to work to check if you actually left the curling iron plugged in?

Have you ever turned around on your way to work to check if you actually left the curling iron plugged in?
  • This happens all the time.
  • I think it, but I never do it.
  • I've never done this.

Do you ever rehearse what you're going to say before making a phone call?

Do you ever rehearse what you're going to say before making a phone call?
  • Always, it's just the right thing to do.
  • Never, I go with the flow.
  • Sometimes, if it's an important call.

Do you often end up deleting posts off of social media?

Do you often end up deleting posts off of social media?
  • How did you know?
  • I sometimes do this.
  • I never do this.