Do You Think Like A Human Or A Machine?
fdeec1d Do You Think Like A Human Or A Machine? Do You Think Like A Human Or A Machine? Some people think outside the box others are quite robotic in personality. Most days, are you more likely to think like a human or a machine? Are you just a computer with legs? With this quiz we can reveal the truth. Ready? Begin!

Which of the following is acceptable at a business meeting?

Which of the following is acceptable at a business meeting?
  • Drinking coffee.
  • Letting out a toot.
  • Taking notes.

When typing, do you need to look at the keyboard?

When typing, do you need to look at the keyboard?
  • Yes, always.
  • Sometimes, when I'm tired.
  • No, never.

What would you do if someone was asking you the same question over and over and over again?

What would you do if someone was asking you the same question over and over and over again?
  • Keep answering the same way.
  • Change my answer a little bit each time.
  • Start making my answers weirder and weirder.

Do you believe that all men are alike?

Do you believe that all men are alike?
  • Yes, for the most part.
  • No, not at all.
  • Some men are similar.

When you're drunk, you feel _____.

When you're drunk, you feel _____.
  • Happy
  • Invincible
  • Irrate

When it comes to food, you tend to....

When it comes to food, you tend to....
  • Eat the same things everyday.
  • Eat different things everyday.
  • Eat some of the same things everyday.

Can you add, subtract, and multiply without a calculator?

Can you add, subtract, and multiply without a calculator?
  • Only the single digit numbers.
  • Yes, quite easily.
  • If I have a pen and paper.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
  • The chicken
  • The egg
  • Neither one

If a friend were crying, your response would be to...

If a friend were crying, your response would be to...
  • Console them.
  • Give them space.
  • Look away.

What do you believe is most people's worst quality?

What do you believe is most people's worst quality?
  • Arrogance
  • Impatience
  • Lack of logic