What Is Your High School stereotype?
f6f4430 What Is Your High School stereotype? What Is Your High School stereotype? What were you destined to be in high school? Find out here!

Are you a fan of physical activity?

Are you a fan of physical activity?
  • I avoid it if I can
  • I love to do it
  • I'm in between
  • Depends on my mood

What was your favorite class?

What was your favorite class?
  • Art class
  • Music class
  • Gym class
  • Other
  • I don't have one

Are you extroverted or introverted?

Are you extroverted or introverted?
  • Extroverted
  • Introverted
  • A bit of both
  • I'm not sure

Pick an after school club to participate in.

Pick an after school club to participate in.
  • Track and field
  • Art club
  • Music club
  • None of these interest me
  • I'd rather choose a different club

Pick an object out of these that you like most.

Pick an object out of these that you like most.
  • Football
  • Paintbrush
  • Beer
  • Flute
  • Notebook

Did you like high school?

Did you like high school?
  • I hated it. It was just a waste of time.
  • I loved it!
  • I didn't mind it.
  • Not really

Were you considered popular at all?

Were you considered popular at all?
  • Not at all
  • I would say so
  • I was very popular
  • I was in between
  • No and I didn't care

How often did you get in trouble?

How often did you get in trouble?
  • All the time
  • Not a whole lot
  • Maynbe once a month
  • Never. I hid in the background.

Did you ever skip class?

Did you ever skip class?
  • Everyday
  • Every once in a while
  • Not really
  • No, I enjoyed class

Which of these could you never see yourself doing?

Which of these could you never see yourself doing?
  • Anything involving fitnedd
  • Anthing involvinthg art
  • Anything involving studying
  • Anything involving too many peopl