What Is Your Maturity Level Based On Your Answer?
e2c1a88 What Is Your Maturity Level Based On Your Answer? What Is Your Maturity Level Based On Your Answer? How mature are you really?

What is your favorite movie?

What is your favorite movie?
  • The Spongebob Squarepants Movie.. duh
  • I prefer documentaries
  • Anything with Adam Sandler
  • Forrest Gump

Which food do you like the most?

Which food do you like the most?
  • Fruit Roll-ups
  • Ravioli
  • Steak
  • Cheetos

What do you do when you're bored?

What do you do when you're bored?
  • Binge watch shows on Netflix
  • Bother your family members and sing really loudly
  • Go to the library
  • Go out to eat

What is or was your favorite subject in school?

What is or was your favorite subject in school?
  • Lunch!
  • Art
  • Science
  • Spanish

What is your favorite activity?

What is your favorite activity?
  • Playing video games
  • Going to visit your grandparents
  • Watching the Saturday cartoons you recorded
  • Going to visit friends

How would your friends describe you?

How would your friends describe you?
  • Crazy
  • Funny
  • Smart
  • Chill

What do your teachers tell your parents about you?

What do your teachers tell your parents about you?
  • He/She is a very good student but should apply themselves more
  • Talks way too much in class
  • Is very intelligent and makes the best grades in the class
  • Nice and respectful student

What do you do when you get bad news?

What do you do when you get bad news?
  • Scream and cry about it
  • Get really upset and stop talking
  • Shake it off
  • Worry

When something good happens, how do you react?

When something good happens, how do you react?
  • Jump up and down and brag to whoever is around
  • Text all of your friends and buy something new to celebrate
  • Tell your family
  • Nothing. Just smile

What's your career goal?

What's your career goal?
  • Comedian
  • I don't want to work!
  • Lawyer
  • Pro athlete