How Similar Are You And Your Dad?
dx0NzRb How Similar Are You And Your Dad? How Similar Are You And Your Dad? Ever catch yourself doing something that is just so much like your Dad? Whether it's a bad joke or the way you both say "syrup," you might be more like your dad than you think! How similar are you to your dad? Let's find out!

What did you and your Dad argue about growing up?

What did you and your Dad argue about growing up?
  • My grades
  • Money
  • Chores
  • Something else

Has anyone ever said, "you look just like your dad?"

Has anyone ever said,
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not that I can remember...

When your Dad ordered a pizza, did you always agree on the toppings?

When your Dad ordered a pizza, did you always agree on the toppings?
  • 100%, we are topping twins.
  • Sometimes, there was usual some disagreement.
  • It was a brawl over whose toppings reigned supreme!

Who handled the discipline when you were a kid?

Who handled the discipline when you were a kid?
  • Mom always did the disciplining.
  • Dad always did the disciplining.
  • They both did their share.

Did you or would you have ever gone to a father/daughter dance?

Did you or would you have ever gone to a father/daughter dance?
  • Absolutely!
  • Maybe.
  • Nope, not a chance.

Growing up, how would you describe your dad?

Growing up, how would you describe your dad?
  • Strong
  • Playful
  • Fun
  • Overworked

How many siblings do you have?

How many siblings do you have?
  • Just one
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four+
  • No siblings

Which parent shows affection like you do?

Which parent shows affection like you do?
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Neither one
  • Both

Would you describe your father as "patient?"

Would you describe your father as
  • He's basically a monk.
  • Yes, very patient.
  • Kind of patient.
  • Not very patient.

Now that you're an adult, how often do you call your dad for advice or support?

Now that you're an adult, how often do you call your dad for advice or support?
  • All the time.
  • He's the first person I call.
  • Sometimes, depends on the situation.
  • Almost never.