Which Star Trek Captain Are You?
dee59b1 Which Star Trek Captain Are You? Which Star Trek Captain Are You? Each of these Star Trek captains embodied strength, intelligence, and logic in their own way. Do you know which Star Trek captain you're most like? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out!

How do you like your eggs?

How do you like your eggs?
  • Sunny side up
  • Hard boiled
  • Soft boiled
  • Scrambled
  • Over easy

Which characteristic do you most value in others?

Which characteristic do you most value in others?
  • Forgiveness
  • Loyalty
  • Inspiration
  • Wisdom
  • Stoicism

What's your biggest fear?

What's your biggest fear?
  • Failing
  • Being split in two
  • Living through war
  • Losing someone I love
  • Compromise

The outlook of which alien race most closely mirrors your own?

The outlook of which alien race most closely mirrors your own?
  • Borg
  • Vulcan
  • Klingons
  • Romulans
  • Ferengi

As you approach your bus stop, you see the bus pulling away. What do you do?

As you approach your bus stop, you see the bus pulling away. What do you do?
  • Curse loudly
  • Walk after it
  • Wait for the next one
  • Cut through a side street to meet it down the line

If you were the boss, your employees would say you were...

If you were the boss, your employees would say you were...
  • Fairminded
  • A bit of a hot head
  • Pretty cocky
  • Hard nosed
  • Unpredictable

What's your biggest vice?

What's your biggest vice?
  • The opposite sex
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Alcohol
  • My own image

You like to spend your free time:

You like to spend your free time:
  • Learning about history
  • Helping others
  • Working on my hair
  • Reading
  • Working on my hobbies

Who's your favorite 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' character?

Who's your favorite 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' character?
  • Michaelangeo
  • Leonardo
  • Donatello
  • Raphael
  • I'm not sure

You are presented with a seemingly unsolvable problem. How do you approach it?

You are presented with a seemingly unsolvable problem. How do you approach it?
  • Give up out of anger and frustration
  • Approach every aspect with calm logic
  • Give it your maximum effort and hope for the best
  • Retreat