How Hippie Are You?
dc52245 How Hippie Are You? How Hippie Are You? Discover just how much of a Hippie you are!

Do you like to wear shoes?

Do you like to wear shoes?
  • Never
  • Only when it's cold.
  • Only when I'm outdoors.
  • Generally, yes.
  • Yes, even inside.

Do you enjoy wearing tie dye clothing?

Do you enjoy wearing tie dye clothing?
  • All the time.
  • Every now and then.
  • Never.

Do you like to wear your hair long and wild?

Do you like to wear your hair long and wild?
  • No. I like it short.
  • I like it long, but not wild.
  • I love long, wild hair.

Have you ever played Hacky Sack

Have you ever played Hacky Sack
  • I don't know what that is.
  • I know what it is, but have never played.
  • I have played in the past.
  • I still play it now and then.
  • I play it all the time.

Can you hula hoop?

Can you hula hoop?
  • Why would I want to?
  • I probably still remember how.
  • I used to love that!
  • I like to hula hoop.
  • I am an expert at hula hooping.

Do you like the Grateful Dead?

Do you like the Grateful Dead?
  • What's that?
  • I've heard of them, but wouldn't recognize them.
  • I know who they are, but don't like them much.
  • I like their music.
  • I'm a huge fan!

Do you meditate?

Do you meditate?
  • No
  • I have in the past.
  • Occasionally
  • Frequently
  • Daily

What do you use to improve the smell of your home?

What do you use to improve the smell of your home?
  • Air freshener
  • Candles
  • Incense

Are you more liberal or more conservative?

Are you more liberal or more conservative?
  • Very Liberal
  • Somewhat Liberal
  • In the Middle
  • Somewhat Conservative
  • Very Conservative

Do you feel like you have found yourself?

Do you feel like you have found yourself?
  • Was I missing?
  • No, I haven't.
  • I think so.
  • I'm trying to.
  • I have found myself.