Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Sense Of Humor?
d05c498 Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Sense Of Humor? Can We Guess Your Age Based On Your Sense Of Humor? Do you think that we can accurately guess your age based only on the things you find funny? It's time to find out what your sense of humor really says about you!

Which TV show can always make you laugh until the point of tears?

Which TV show can always make you laugh until the point of tears?
  • Seinfeld
  • Friends
  • Parks and Recreation
  • The Office
  • I Love Lucy

What kind of YouTube videos can have you on the floor laughing?

What kind of YouTube videos can have you on the floor laughing?
  • Anything with cats
  • Babies doing silly things
  • Fail videos
  • Prank videos
  • Sketch comedy

Which female comedian never fails to crack you up?

Which female comedian never fails to crack you up?
  • Tina Fey
  • Roseanne Barr
  • Amy Poehler
  • Lucille Ball
  • Carol Burnett

How would you describe your laugh in one word?

How would you describe your laugh in one word?
  • Hearty
  • Mousy
  • Delicate
  • Cackling
  • Contagious

Which male comedian makes you laugh out loud?

Which male comedian makes you laugh out loud?
  • Steven Colbert
  • Steve Martin
  • Jerry Seinfeld
  • Conan O'Brien
  • Keegan Michael Key

Which social media network do you lift your jokes from?

Which social media network do you lift your jokes from?
  • Facebook
  • Reddit
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Snapchat

What kind of comedy tends to make you laugh the hardest?

What kind of comedy tends to make you laugh the hardest?
  • Dark comedy
  • Dry comedy
  • Sarcastic comedy
  • Physical comedy
  • Punchline comedy

Would you describe your humor as childlike or very mature?

Would you describe your humor as childlike or very mature?
  • It's pretty childlike
  • It's silly sometimes
  • It can be goofy
  • It's pretty mature
  • It's a mixed bag

How many siblings do you have?

How many siblings do you have?
  • None
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five

Which SNL character is your favorite?

Which SNL character is your favorite?
  • Mango
  • Stefan
  • The Spartan Cheerleaders
  • The Target Lady
  • Will Ferrell as George Bush