What Is Your School Nickname?
c69d779 What Is Your School Nickname? What Is Your School Nickname? What would be the perfect nickname for you in school?

What stereotype were you in school?

What stereotype were you in school?
  • The popular kid
  • The loner
  • The beautiful one
  • The jock
  • I'm not sure

Which subject could you not stand?

Which subject could you not stand?
  • Math
  • English
  • Physical education
  • Science
  • Other

Were you popular in school?

Were you popular in school?
  • Very popular
  • I was pretty popular
  • Not really

Did you ever skip class?

Did you ever skip class?
  • Quite frequently
  • Not usually
  • Hardly ever

Choose an after school club

Choose an after school club
  • Photography club
  • Track and field
  • Theatre
  • Yearbook committee
  • No clubs for me

What group did you belong to?

What group did you belong to?
  • The nerds
  • The outcast
  • The popular group
  • I didn't really belong to a group

Who did you take to prom?

Who did you take to prom?
  • Friends
  • My significant other
  • My crush
  • I went alone
  • I didn't go

How would you describe your high school experience?

How would you describe your high school experience?
  • Annoying
  • Amazing
  • Exciting
  • Bearable
  • Perfect

Would you go back to high school if you could?

Would you go back to high school if you could?
  • Not at all
  • I enjoyed it in the past but no
  • Absolutely

Where was your hangout spot at school?

Where was your hangout spot at school?
  • The lockers
  • The bathroom
  • The football field
  • The library
  • Other