What Do You Wish You Could Say To Your Boss?
bf92670 What Do You Wish You Could Say To Your Boss? What Do You Wish You Could Say To Your Boss? Everyone has moments where they just want to lose their minds at work. Is there something you've always wanted to say to your boss? Now's the time to find out! Take these 10 questions and find out what you're secretly wishing you could say to your boss!

When is the last time you took a vacation?

When is the last time you took a vacation?
  • Last year
  • A few years ago
  • A few months ago
  • A few weeks ago
  • Never

How often do you work late?

How often do you work late?
  • Every night.
  • A few nights a week.
  • Once in awhile.
  • Never.

What are you most likely to be doing in a work meeting?

What are you most likely to be doing in a work meeting?
  • Doodling.
  • Defending myself.
  • Giving out ideas.
  • Falling asleep.
  • Fantasizing about quitting.

How might your boss describe you in a word?

How might your boss describe you in a word?
  • Diligent
  • Loyal
  • Messy
  • Social
  • Dedicated

How often do you hang out with your co-workers outside of work?

How often do you hang out with your co-workers outside of work?
  • All the time.
  • Every now and then.
  • Never.

If your boss were an animal, which one would they be?

If your boss were an animal, which one would they be?
  • Lion
  • Elephant
  • Tiger
  • Bear
  • House cat

What would you buy with your holiday bonus?

What would you buy with your holiday bonus?
  • Books
  • Plane tickets
  • Gifts for others
  • A dinner out
  • What's a holiday bonus?

What would make your job more bearable?

What would make your job more bearable?
  • More money.
  • More vacation days.
  • Better hours.
  • A different boss.

Where would you prefer to work from?

Where would you prefer to work from?
  • Home
  • Small building
  • Coffee shop
  • Sky scraper

Which of these groups describes you best?

Which of these groups describes you best?
  • Creators
  • Thinkers
  • Persuaders
  • Organizers
  • Doers