Which Bizarre Pet Should You Adopt?
bR2Owfh Which Bizarre Pet Should You Adopt? Which Bizarre Pet Should You Adopt? Your task is to adopt any bizarre pet in the world, but which would bet the best fit for you? Are you the kind of person that could actually own a Lemur? Let's find out! Your perfect bizarre pet is waiting!

Are you more of a night owl or an early riser?

Are you more of a night owl or an early riser?
  • Early riser
  • Night owl
  • It depends on the day...

People often come to you for advice on what?

People often come to you for advice on what?
  • Money
  • Love
  • Friendship
  • Work
  • Organization

What is your least favorite chore?

What is your least favorite chore?
  • Cleaning the toilet.
  • Doing the dishes.
  • Laundry.
  • Mopping the floor.
  • Taking out the trash.

You think people see you as being very....

You think people see you as being very....
  • Intimidating.
  • Friendly.
  • Open.
  • Standoffish.
  • Weird.

What would you most like to much on?

What would you most like to much on?
  • Potato chips
  • M&Ms
  • Cookies
  • Popcorn
  • Pretzels

What kind of house do you live in?

What kind of house do you live in?
  • An apartment
  • A big two story.
  • A small ranch.
  • A cozy rental.
  • A swank condo.

Which activity sounds most appealing to you?

Which activity sounds most appealing to you?
  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Rock climbing
  • Playing board games
  • Baking

What time of night do you eat dinner?

What time of night do you eat dinner?
  • 4 PM
  • 5 PM
  • 6 PM
  • 7 PM
  • 8 PM or later

Do you have any other pets right now?

Do you have any other pets right now?
  • Yes, a dog or a cat.
  • No, but I'd like to.
  • Yes, a rabbit or hamster.
  • Something else.

Are you more of an outdoor or indoor person?

Are you more of an outdoor or indoor person?
  • Indoor
  • Outdoor
  • It depends on my mood