Are You A Hunter, Gatherer, Or Scavenger?
bGR1qOM Are You A Hunter, Gatherer, Or Scavenger? Are You A Hunter, Gatherer, Or Scavenger? Before you could head to the grocery store to grab your food, you had to get a little bit more creative in how you survived. When it came down to feeding yourself and your family, are you more hunter, gatherer or scavenger? The results may surprsie you!

Are you one to hold a grudge?

Are you one to hold a grudge?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

Which reality show could you realistically win?

Which reality show could you realistically win?
  • Survivor
  • The Amazing Race
  • The Bachelor

Since turning 16, how many jobs have you held?

Since turning 16, how many jobs have you held?
  • 1-3
  • 4-5
  • 6+

How do you feel about your siblings?

How do you feel about your siblings?
  • They're dead weight.
  • I love them dearly.
  • They're okay in small doses.

How much can you lift?

How much can you lift?
  • 10-15 pounds
  • 20-30 pounds
  • 30+ pounds

If you had to guess, how many hours a day do you spend on a computer?

If you had to guess, how many hours a day do you spend on a computer?
  • 1-3 hours
  • 4-6 hours
  • 7-10 hours

If you had to, could you use a compass to right yourself?

If you had to, could you use a compass to right yourself?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

Do you know how to sew or mend?

Do you know how to sew or mend?
  • Yes, I'm an excellent sewer.
  • I can sew on a button or patch a rip.
  • Nope, I have no clue.

What would be a good job for you?

What would be a good job for you?
  • Teacher
  • Park ranger
  • CEO

A friend has fallen on hard time and applies for food stamps. How do you feel?

A friend has fallen on hard time and applies for food stamps. How do you feel?
  • I'm happy for them, everyone needs to eat!
  • THey shouldn't take a handout like that.
  • To each their own.