What Drives You Crazy?
b502203 What Drives You Crazy? What Drives You Crazy? What just gets under your skin?

How often do you get angry?

How often do you get angry?
  • Almost everyday
  • Quite often
  • Every once in awhile
  • Practically never

Do you get easily annoyed?

Do you get easily annoyed?
  • Very easily
  • It depends
  • Not really
  • No I don't

What usually calms you down?

What usually calms you down?
  • Time
  • Listening to music
  • Yelling
  • Talking to someone
  • Other

Where do you usually get annoyed or angry?

Where do you usually get annoyed or angry?
  • At restaurants
  • At home
  • In the car
  • On the street
  • Other

What’s your physical reaction when you’re annoyed?

What’s your physical reaction when you’re annoyed?
  • I clench my jaw
  • Spasms
  • My pulse races
  • Tears come to my eyes
  • Other

Who do you usually get annoyed with?

Who do you usually get annoyed with?
  • My family
  • My significant other
  • My friends
  • My colleagues
  • I'm not sure

Do you usually accept another person's apology?

Do you usually accept another person's apology?
  • Yes I do
  • It depends on the person
  • No I don't usually

Do you feel as though you can’t control yourself when you’re angry?

Do you feel as though you can’t control yourself when you’re angry?
  • Sometimes i do
  • Yes
  • No

How can you best be described when you're angry?

How can you best be described when you're angry?
  • Passive aggressive
  • Emotional
  • Mean
  • Violent
  • Other

Do you easily get angry at strangers?

Do you easily get angry at strangers?
  • Yes I do
  • Only if I'm in a bad mood
  • No I don't