Can We Guess Your Dream Career?
b1c5647 Can We Guess Your Dream Career? Can We Guess Your Dream Career? From the time you were young, you likely had some idea of what you wanted to be when you grew up. Perhaps, it was even a long held dream! Can we guess your true dream career based on how you answer these questions? Click start to find out. After all, your dreams are waiting!

Would you say you're more or less creative than most people?

Would you say you're more or less creative than most people?
  • More creative, I have a rich imagination.
  • I'm kind of creative.
  • I'm a bit average.
  • I'm definitely less creative.

Are you easily offended?

Are you easily offended?
  • Yes, I hate when people can't watch what they say.
  • Sometimes, it depends on the subject.
  • Nope, nothing ruffles my feathers.

You'd describe your personality as...

You'd describe your personality as...
  • Warm
  • Cool
  • A bit of both

Which of these best describes your ideal Saturday night?

Which of these best describes your ideal Saturday night?
  • Date night with my beau!
  • A dinner party with new people.
  • A dinner out and a movie.
  • The couch and my TV.
  • A barbecue with friends.

If you had to eat a dessert, you'd say...

If you had to eat a dessert, you'd say...
  • Any kind of cake please!
  • Something cool and refreshing.
  • Anything with some chocolate.
  • Give me all the pie!
  • I don't really like dessert.

Finish this sentence: I like to...

Finish this sentence: I like to...
  • Help people
  • Think and write
  • Make the world better
  • Solve problems
  • Create or fix

What environment would you most want to work in?

What environment would you most want to work in?
  • The great outdoors
  • A swanky office
  • A solitary room
  • A laid back start up
  • It depends on the day

What's more relaxing?

What's more relaxing?
  • Music
  • Reading
  • Nature
  • Movies
  • Cooking

You find it easier to talk with...

You find it easier to talk with...
  • Strangers
  • Family
  • Friends
  • It depends...

You're more...

You're more...
  • Old fashioned
  • Modern
  • Unique in my own way