How Much Of A Mom Friend Are You?
aff6e43 How Much Of A Mom Friend Are You? How Much Of A Mom Friend Are You? Are you the mom of your friend group? If so, just how much of a mom friend are you really? With these 10 quiz questions, we can reveal the truth about your role!

When you go out to dinner with your friends, how early do you arrive?

When you go out to dinner with your friends, how early do you arrive?
  • 5 minutes early
  • 15 minutes early
  • 20 minutes early
  • Right on time
  • I'm always late

One of your friends is chilly, do you have an extra sweater she can borrow?

One of your friends is chilly, do you have an extra sweater she can borrow?
  • Of course, I always bring an extra sweater or jacket!
  • She can have mine, I'm okay.
  • Nope, I'm chilly too.

You're going on a two hour drive to a theme park. What do you bring?

You're going on a two hour drive to a theme park. What do you bring?
  • Snacks, water, sunscreen, and plenty of car games.
  • Just the essentials: wallet, cell phone, sunscreen.
  • My wallet and cell phone, that's about it.

Do you carry a mini-first aid kit in your bag?

Do you carry a mini-first aid kit in your bag?
  • Yes, how did you know?
  • I have some band aids but I wouldn't call it a kit.
  • No, who does this?

How do you say goodbye to your pals?

How do you say goodbye to your pals?
  • "See you later."
  • "Get home safe."
  • "Text me when you get home."
  • "Bye."

How often are you the designated driver when you go out?

How often are you the designated driver when you go out?
  • Almost every time.
  • Most of the time.
  • Part of the time.
  • Never.

Are you always the one to calculate the tip at the restaurant?

Are you always the one to calculate the tip at the restaurant?
  • Yes, everyone else needs a calculator.
  • Sometimes, but only if it's a tricky bill.
  • Nope, I'm usually the one asking for help.

How many times have you been someone's best man or maid of honor?

How many times have you been someone's best man or maid of honor?
  • More times than I can count.
  • Once or twice.
  • Three or four times.
  • Never.

What do you believe is your best trait?

What do you believe is your best trait?
  • My intuition
  • My kindness
  • My intelligence
  • My humor
  • My sense of adventure

Are you typically the one mediating group drama?

Are you typically the one mediating group drama?
  • Yes, I'm totally the peacemaker.
  • Sometimes, but our roles shift.
  • Nope, I'm usually the one causing drama.