Will Your First Child Be A Girl Or A Boy?
a9b9e34 Will Your First Child Be A Girl Or A Boy? Will Your First Child Be A Girl Or A Boy? Do you know if your first child is going to be a girl or a boy? Of course not! But this quiz can guide you in the right direction. Take these 10 questions and find out if you're having a boy or a girl!

How often do you work out?

How often do you work out?
  • Everyday
  • As often as I can
  • That's a hilarious question

When you do exercise, what is your primary workout?

When you do exercise, what is your primary workout?
  • Yoga
  • Running
  • I already told you that I don't do "exercise"

Do you enjoy having a super busy schedule with little down time?

Do you enjoy having a super busy schedule with little down time?
  • Absolutely
  • No way
  • It depends

Are you a type A personality?

Are you a type A personality?
  • According to my friends I am
  • I don't think so
  • I'm a lot of types

How often do you travel?

How often do you travel?
  • As often as humanly possible
  • Maybe once a year
  • It's pretty sporadic

How long do you spend doing housework everyday?

How long do you spend doing housework everyday?
  • 1-2 hours
  • Less than an hour
  • I don't do housework everyday

Has anyone ever referred to you as a welcome mat or a pushover?

Has anyone ever referred to you as a welcome mat or a pushover?
  • I've never been walked on in my life
  • I might as well have "welcome" tattooed on forehead
  • I can be a pushover at times

What color do you believe your soul is?

What color do you believe your soul is?
  • Lavender
  • Green
  • Light blue

Does your perfect day involve work or spending time with family?

Does your perfect day involve work or spending time with family?
  • Work
  • Spending time with family
  • My perfect day involves alone time

Do you plan on using baby talk with your little one?

Do you plan on using baby talk with your little one?
  • Of course who else would I use baby talk on
  • Studies show I should talk to it in my normal tone
  • I'll mix it in now and then