Can We Guess Your Credit Card Balance?
a973961 Can We Guess Your Credit Card Balance? Can We Guess Your Credit Card Balance? The average American household has a credit card balance of $15,609. Where do you fit into this statistic?

How many credit cards do you have?

How many credit cards do you have?
  • 1 or 2
  • 3 or 4
  • 5+

What do you use your credit cards for?

What do you use your credit cards for?
  • Daily expenses
  • Emergencies
  • Fun and adventure

How do you manage your budget?

How do you manage your budget?
  • With professional help.
  • With careful planning.
  • I don't.

Where are you more likely to go on vacation?

Where are you more likely to go on vacation?
  • Out of the country
  • Out of the state
  • Out of town

Do you make more than your minimum payments each month?

Do you make more than your minimum payments each month?
  • No. I barely make the minimum.
  • Yes, just a little bit more.
  • Yes, much more.

What is the most expensive purchase you've made recently?

What is the most expensive purchase you've made recently?
  • Groceries or Supplies
  • Clothes or Shoes
  • Vacation or Entertainment

How old were you when you got your first credit card?

How old were you when you got your first credit card?
  • 18 - 25
  • 25 - 30
  • 30+

How large is your household?

How large is your household?
  • Small, 1 to 3 people and pets
  • Average, 4 to 6 people and pets
  • Large, more than 6 people and pets

What is the most expensive thing that you own?

What is the most expensive thing that you own?
  • House or Vehicle
  • Computer or Phone
  • Boat or Other

Which word best describes your spending habits?

Which word best describes your spending habits?
  • Frugal
  • Casual
  • Extravagant