Which Girl Scout Cookie Is Your Soul?
a8f4281 Which Girl Scout Cookie Is Your Soul? Which Girl Scout Cookie Is Your Soul? They say life is about how the cookie crumbles, but which Girl Scout cookie is actually most like your soul? Are you secretly a Thin Mint? Perhaps, a complex Samoa. Let's find out which Girl Scout cookie you really are!

Would you rather wear a Girl Scout vest or the sash?

Would you rather wear a Girl Scout vest or the sash?
  • The vest
  • The sash
  • I would switch them out daily.

You always try to be your best by practicing which qualities?

You always try to be your best by practicing which qualities?
  • Honest and fair
  • Friendly and helpful
  • Considerate and caring
  • Courageous and strong
  • Responsible and direct

Which sounds like the most fun?

Which sounds like the most fun?
  • Camping
  • Making art
  • Birdwatching
  • Baking
  • Watching TV

Which is the closest to your dream job?

Which is the closest to your dream job?
  • Politician
  • Spokesperson
  • CEO
  • Journalist
  • Teacher

A Girl Scout knows her best quality. You're really good at being...

A Girl Scout knows her best quality. You're really good at being...
  • Confident
  • Organized
  • Ambitious
  • Honest
  • Savvy

Do you like interacting with new people?

Do you like interacting with new people?
  • Yes, they always have something interesting to teach me.
  • No, I'm not much of a people person.
  • It depends on my mood that day.

Do you have clear goals for the future?

Do you have clear goals for the future?
  • I have a pretty detailed 5-year plan.
  • There's no plan per say, but I know what I want.
  • I just go with the flow!

Life is full of peaks and valleys. How do you handle challenges?

Life is full of peaks and valleys. How do you handle challenges?
  • I meet them head on.
  • I craft a strategic plan.
  • I find a solution to the problem.

When you were in school, which subject were you best at?

When you were in school, which subject were you best at?
  • Science
  • Math
  • English
  • History
  • Music

How many Girl Scout badges would you have?

How many Girl Scout badges would you have?
  • 1-2
  • 3-4
  • 5-6
  • 10+