How Weird Are Your Bathroom Habits?
a8b8d84 How Weird Are Your Bathroom Habits? How Weird Are Your Bathroom Habits? Are your bathroom habits kind of weird or are they totally normal? It's time to find out how well you're really spending your time in the bathroom. Ready to find out? Start the quiz!

When you go, do you sit, squat, or stand?

When you go, do you sit, squat, or stand?
  • I sit.
  • I squat.
  • I stand.
  • It depends on my mood.

How do you wash your hands?

How do you wash your hands?
  • Soap and then water.
  • Water and then soap.
  • Soap and water at the same time.

When do you weigh yourself?

When do you weigh yourself?
  • First thing in the morning.
  • Before and after going number two.
  • At the end of the day.
  • After every pee.

How do you brush your teeth?

How do you brush your teeth?
  • Rinse and then toothpaste.
  • Toothpaste and then rinse.
  • Just toothpaste.
  • It depends on the day.

You're going number two. What are you doing to pass the time?

You're going number two. What are you doing to pass the time?
  • Pass the time? I'm in and out in under 5.
  • I read shampoo bottles, anything with words.
  • I read a book or a magazine.
  • I read my phone.

What's the first thing you wash in the shower?

What's the first thing you wash in the shower?
  • My hair
  • My body
  • My face
  • It varies

How much time do you think you spend in the bathroom a day?

How much time do you think you spend in the bathroom a day?
  • Like a 30 minutes.
  • An hour or so.
  • Two hours.
  • Three or more hours.

Do you shampoo first or condition first?

Do you shampoo first or condition first?
  • Shampoo.
  • Condition.
  • Same time!

Have you ever eaten on the toilet?

Have you ever eaten on the toilet?
  • Yes, who hasn't?
  • Once, but I was in a hurry.
  • Never, that's disgusting.

Does your dog ever come into the bathroom with you?

Does your dog ever come into the bathroom with you?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never