How Old Are You On The Inside?
a5ea3a1 How Old Are You On The Inside? How Old Are You On The Inside? You may know your actual age, but what age are you on the inside? Embark on this quiz and discover how old you truly are!

When was the last time you were in a toy store just for fun?

When was the last time you were in a toy store just for fun?
  • A week ago
  • A few months ago
  • A few years ago
  • A few decades ago

What do you like thinking about the most?

What do you like thinking about the most?
  • The past
  • The present
  • The future

What do you do when you and a friend have a disagreement?

What do you do when you and a friend have a disagreement?
  • Argue until one of us admits they were wrong
  • Agree to disagree
  • Silently resent one another for months

How do you go about finding a solution to a problem?

How do you go about finding a solution to a problem?
  • I follow my instincts
  • I ask a trusted friend for advice
  • I consult with my parents
  • I do whatever seems easiest

What time do you head to bed on a weeknight?

What time do you head to bed on a weeknight?
  • 9:00 PM
  • 10:00 PM
  • 11:00 PM
  • 12:00 PM
  • 1:00 AM

Do you follow the news?

Do you follow the news?
  • Does E! news count?
  • I'm up to date on every news story
  • I read the news I care about
  • Eh, the news is just negativity anyway.

When was the last time you stayed up all night?

When was the last time you stayed up all night?
  • Last week
  • Last month
  • Last year
  • A few years ago
  • I've never done this

Who do you go to for advice on relationships?

Who do you go to for advice on relationships?
  • The internet
  • My parents
  • My best friend
  • My Facebook
  • No one, I figure it out on my own.

What's the ideal Friday night look like for you?

What's the ideal Friday night look like for you?
  • Drinks and dancing with pals
  • Dinner and a movie
  • Star gazing and a bottle of wine
  • Staying in watching Netflix
  • Having a few friends over

Do like making plans or living by the seat of your pants?

Do like making plans or living by the seat of your pants?
  • I like making plans
  • I like to be sponatneous
  • It varies by day