Can This Test Reveal The One Thing Missing From Your Life?
a5a6d24 Can This Test Reveal The One Thing Missing From Your Life? Can This Test Reveal The One Thing Missing From Your Life? Can this test actually reveal the one thing missing from your life? It's time to find out! Take these 10 quiz questions and discover exactly what's missing. You might just enlighten yourself!

How do you feel about arts and music?

How do you feel about arts and music?
  • It really moves me.
  • It can be nice sometimes.
  • I'm not a fan.

You just got promoted at work. Who do you share the news with first?

You just got promoted at work. Who do you share the news with first?
  • My significant other
  • My parents
  • My best friend
  • My Facebook feed
  • No one

At the end of the day, all you really want to do is....

At the end of the day, all you really want to do is....
  • See my partner.
  • Snuggle up with my dog.
  • Watch some TV.
  • Hit up happy hour.
  • Forget the whole day even happened.

Are you a realist or an idealist?

Are you a realist or an idealist?
  • I'm a realist.
  • I'm an idealist.
  • I'm a mix of both.

Do you often need to withdraw during busy days to escape stimulation and noise?

Do you often need to withdraw during busy days to escape stimulation and noise?
  • As often as possible.
  • Sometimes.
  • Never.

Sometimes you wish you could feel more....

Sometimes you wish you could feel more....
  • Loved
  • Fulfilled
  • Happy
  • Included
  • Purposeful

Who do you look up to the most?

Who do you look up to the most?
  • My parents
  • My mentor
  • My idol
  • My best friend
  • My siblings

Do you currently have a pet?

Do you currently have a pet?
  • No, but I want one.
  • Yes, it's great.
  • I used to, but not anymore.

Which is closest to your idea of success in life?

Which is closest to your idea of success in life?
  • Money
  • Power
  • Happiness
  • Love
  • Peace

What do you prefer?

What do you prefer?
  • Penthouse in the city.
  • House in the woods.
  • Neither one please!