Are You Ruled By Your Ego Or Your Self?
a328b73 Are You Ruled By Your Ego Or Your Self? Are You Ruled By Your Ego Or Your Self? Within your mind- there is a constant struggle between the go and the self. Which dominates you the most? Are you ruled by your ego or your self? Let's find out! You may not be as in control as you think.

How many friends do you have?

How many friends do you have?
  • Does my cat count?
  • Hundreds, probably.
  • I have a few close friends.

You're at a party where people start arguing about politics. You:

You're at a party where people start arguing about politics. You:
  • I would never be at a party.
  • Ignore them. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs.
  • Get involved. I love sharing my opinions.

My close friends often say that I'm....

My close friends often say that I'm....
  • Too quiet.
  • Inspiring.
  • A bit bossy.

Be honest, are you a bit too competitive?

Be honest, are you a bit too competitive?
  • Yes, I take competition very seriously.
  • Not really, I don't care if I win.
  • sometimes, but not always.

Do you need to feel praised when you have a good idea?

Do you need to feel praised when you have a good idea?
  • Yes, absolutely.
  • Nah, I don't even like compliments.
  • Sometimes, it depends how good the idea is!

How important are looks to you?

How important are looks to you?
  • Not important. It's what's on the inside that counts.
  • Very important. That's just how things are in the world.
  • Somewhat important. People judge based on looks.

When someone wrongs you, do you forgive them easily?

When someone wrongs you, do you forgive them easily?
  • Yes, forgiveness is the key to happiness.
  • No, they don't deserve my forgiveness.
  • It depends on what they did.

You've misplaced your cell phone. How do you feel?

You've misplaced your cell phone. How do you feel?
  • Angry and frantic.
  • Okay, I'm probably not missing much.
  • A bit panicked- my life is in that phone!

When you do someone a favor, do you expect anything in return?

When you do someone a favor, do you expect anything in return?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never

How do you respond to negative feedback?

How do you respond to negative feedback?
  • Poorly, I hate criticism.
  • With an open mind.
  • With a bit of sadness.