What Stage Is Your Soul In?
a2ebc6e What Stage Is Your Soul In? What Stage Is Your Soul In? Every soul goes throughs stages likened to the seasons as we grow and become who we're meant to be. What stage or season is your soul in? Simply answer these 10 quiz questions and we'll reveal the truth about your soul. You might not be in the stage you think you are.

How much energy do you have at the moment?

How much energy do you have at the moment?
  • I'm very energized!
  • I feel a bit tired.
  • I have steady energy all day.
  • I feel totally depleted.

Generally speaking, do you often run hot or cold?

Generally speaking, do you often run hot or cold?
  • I run hot.
  • I run a little warm.
  • I run cool.
  • I run cold.

How do you feel about socializing at the moment?

How do you feel about socializing at the moment?
  • I don't mind socializing, but I prefer to spend time alone.
  • I love spending time with those I love most!
  • I like a good conversation or sharing with others.
  • I'd prefer to avoid most people at the moment.

Which holiday do you have the best childhood memories of?

Which holiday do you have the best childhood memories of?
  • Fourth of July
  • Halloween
  • Christmas
  • Easter

In your group of friends you are the _______.

In your group of friends you are the _______.
  • Nurturer
  • Leader
  • Optimist
  • Pessimist

Do you feel motivated to pursue your goals?

Do you feel motivated to pursue your goals?
  • No, I don't feel motivated at all.
  • I feel kind of motivated sometimes.
  • I'm very motivated to achieve my dreams!
  • I'm somewhat motivated.

Choose a color that represents your inner self right now:

Choose a color that represents your inner self right now:
  • Green
  • Gold
  • Orange
  • Black

Which word describes how you feel at the moment?

Which word describes how you feel at the moment?
  • Harmonious
  • Inspired
  • Lost
  • Restless

Which city would you most like to escape to?

Which city would you most like to escape to?
  • Dublin
  • Honolulu
  • New York
  • Rome

How would you describe your childhood?

How would you describe your childhood?
  • Very happy
  • Mostly good
  • Lonely
  • Chaotic