Which Ivy League School Should You Attend?
a29c980 Which Ivy League School Should You Attend? Which Ivy League School Should You Attend? You've got the brains! But which ivy league school would actually be the best fit for your personality. Want to know which ivy league school you should attend? Take this quiz and find out!

The perfect college campus would be in...

The perfect college campus would be in...
  • A small college town
  • A large bustling city
  • A quaint suburb

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite color?
  • Crimson
  • Blue
  • Orange
  • Carnelian.
  • Yellow.

How do you think school mascots should be chosen?

How do you think school mascots should be chosen?
  • From something historical or traditional
  • Based on a student vote
  • Based on legend or myth
  • Based on the area the school is in

What are you looking to do while in college?

What are you looking to do while in college?
  • Get a degree.
  • Make lifelong friends.
  • Score an internship.
  • Party, party, party.
  • Invent something great, like Facebook!

What area of study are you interested?

What area of study are you interested?
  • Arts
  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Humanities
  • Tech

If everything goes according to plan, in ten years, you'll be:

If everything goes according to plan, in ten years, you'll be:
  • Traveling the world.
  • Accepting a nobel prize.
  • Doing something that matters.
  • Making six figures.

Who is your favorite president?

Who is your favorite president?
  • John F. Kennedy
  • Woodrow Wilson
  • George H.W. Bush
  • Barack Obama
  • I hate politics

Do you want to join a fraternity of sorority?

Do you want to join a fraternity of sorority?
  • Definitely, sign me up!
  • Possibly, I'll think about it.
  • What's in it for me?
  • No way!

Which college activity or club are you dying to be a part of?

Which college activity or club are you dying to be a part of?
  • School newspaper
  • Honor society
  • Athletics
  • A political organization
  • Volunteer work

Do you come from money?

Do you come from money?
  • Yes, my family is fabulously wealthy.
  • Eh, we do okay.
  • I'm firmly middle class.
  • Not wealthy in the slightest.