What Is Your Mirror Telling You?
WZnss7F What Is Your Mirror Telling You? What Is Your Mirror Telling You? When you look in the mirror, your reflection might be trying to tell you something. Do you know what your mirror is telling you? Take these 10 questions and find out!

Which of these things matters the most?

Which of these things matters the most?
  • Ambition
  • Bravery
  • Loyalty
  • Fun
  • Empathy
  • Other

How do you feel in the morning?

How do you feel in the morning?
  • Excited for a new day
  • Tired and unenthused
  • Overwhelmed by how much there is to do
  • I need 10 more minutes
  • Time to get going

What compliment would mean the most to you?

What compliment would mean the most to you?
  • "You're so witty!"
  • "You're so naturally beautiful!"
  • "You're so sweet!"
  • "You're a hard worker!"
  • "You're so understanding!"

Do you feel more connected with your friends of your family?

Do you feel more connected with your friends of your family?
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Both
  • Other

What would you most enjoy being a scholar of?

What would you most enjoy being a scholar of?
  • Literature
  • Sociology
  • Psychology
  • History
  • Sex

How do you feel about talking with strangers randomly?

How do you feel about talking with strangers randomly?
  • I love it they have so much to say
  • I avoid it at all costs
  • It depends on the stranger
  • Other

What cheers you up the quickest?

What cheers you up the quickest?
  • Sweets
  • A solid hug
  • Laying in bed
  • Television
  • A good book
  • Other

What's your absolute favorite Disney or Pixar film?

What's your absolute favorite Disney or Pixar film?
  • Toy Story
  • Cinderella
  • Snow White
  • Finding Nemo
  • UP

Do you spend a lot of time talking on the phone or texting?

Do you spend a lot of time talking on the phone or texting?
  • I don't think so
  • Yes I spend way too much time doing both
  • I spend an average amount of time
  • I don't know

How often do you spend time alone?

How often do you spend time alone?
  • I spend most of my time alone
  • A few nights a week
  • I don't like to spend time alone
  • I never spend time alone