How Much Of A Smartphone Addict Are You?
M1ffS8r How Much Of A Smartphone Addict Are You? How Much Of A Smartphone Addict Are You? In today’s Age of Technology, it seems like everyone is glued to their smartphone. Take this quiz to find out how addicted you really are!

First of all, do you have a smartphone?

First of all, do you have a smartphone?
  • Yes, who doesn't?
  • Of course I have one!
  • Yup, I just got it!
  • I'm not sure if mine is a smartphone.
  • Nope!

Which of the following is more valuable than your smartphone?

Which of the following is more valuable than your smartphone?
  • My laptop
  • Food
  • Nothing!

Where do you keep your calendar/schedule of appointments?

Where do you keep your calendar/schedule of appointments?
  • On my smartphone
  • On my smartphone and it's backed up onto my laptop
  • In my email, which is connected to every piece of technology I own
  • On a whiteboard or in a planner

How many songs do you have on your smartphone?

How many songs do you have on your smartphone?
  • 0-5
  • 6-50
  • 51-200
  • 201-300
  • Probably more than 300!

Have you ever bought an app on your smartphone?

Have you ever bought an app on your smartphone?
  • Yes, I just had to have it!
  • Yes, but by accident.
  • No, the free apps are good enough for me.

Which word have you heard others use to describe you most often?

Which word have you heard others use to describe you most often?
  • On-the-go
  • Outgoing
  • Social
  • Creative
  • Genuine

Do you know what a 'selfie' is?

Do you know what a 'selfie' is?
  • Yes, I take 'em all the time!
  • Yeah, they're pretty silly.
  • No, what is it?

Which social media platforms do you have accounts for?

Which social media platforms do you have accounts for?
  • I try not to go onto social media very often.
  • Facebook
  • Facebook, Instagram
  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr
  • More than 4 social media platforms

What do you use your phone most for?

What do you use your phone most for?
  • Calling and texting
  • Keeping up with social media
  • Checking the news, listening to music, and communicating with others
  • Sharing photos and looking at what others are up to

You and your best friend are at your favorite restaurant when your beautifully plated dish comes out. What smartphone-related thought runs through your head?

You and your best friend are at your favorite restaurant when your beautifully plated dish comes out. What smartphone-related thought runs through your head?
  • I need to take a photo of this food to upload later!
  • I wonder if taking a selfie with my friend and this food is appropriate here?
  • I should check into this restaurant and share my #foodporn photo that way!
  • I'm hungry and my favorite dish is in front of me - I'm not thinking of my smartphone.