How Lazy Are You?
LLqiAJM How Lazy Are You? How Lazy Are You? We all have lazy days and moments in which we simply just don’t feel like doing anything at all. Do you think you know just how lazy you are? Take these 10 questions and find out!

What do you do when your alarm goes off in the morning?

What do you do when your alarm goes off in the morning?
  • I hit snooze several times
  • I throw it on the floor
  • I don't need an alarm I wake up naturally
  • I moan and groan but get up anyway
  • Other

You've had a long work week and are looking forward to doing nothing on the weekend. Your friend has different plans and invites you to go hiking. Do you accept?

You've had a long work week and are looking forward to doing nothing on the weekend. Your friend has different plans and invites you to go hiking. Do you accept?
  • Not a chance I am going full lazy
  • I think about it but ultimately decline
  • I go begrudgingly go
  • I accept and have an awesome time
  • Other

What does Netflix mean to you?

What does Netflix mean to you?
  • My weekend
  • Everything
  • Nothing
  • It's just a TV service
  • Other

Where can you be found on a typical Friday night?

Where can you be found on a typical Friday night?
  • Sleeping
  • Binge watching TV
  • Pigging out with friends
  • At the bar
  • At the movies
  • Other

How often do you do laundry?

How often do you do laundry?
  • When everything I own is dirty
  • When I need something washed
  • Every two weeks
  • Once a week
  • Other

It’s Sunday night and you’re having a bunch of friends over for dinner. What are you cooking?

It’s Sunday night and you’re having a bunch of friends over for dinner. What are you cooking?
  • Cooking? I'm ordering pizza.
  • I'm getting us all takeout.
  • Potluck, everyone brings a dish.
  • I'm having a good old fashioned barbecue
  • I'm crafting a gourmet meal
  • Other

What's your ideal vacation?

What's your ideal vacation?
  • Lounging on the beach for hours
  • Exploring a new city
  • Stay-cation
  • Hiking a national park

How often do you challenge yourself to learn something new?

How often do you challenge yourself to learn something new?
  • All the time
  • Every now and then
  • Never

How good are you at setting and keeping a budget?

How good are you at setting and keeping a budget?
  • Lets not talk about budgets
  • I'm downright terrible at keeping a budget
  • I'm the budget master
  • Get back to me next month

How tired did you feel while taking this quiz on laziness?

How tired did you feel while taking this quiz on laziness?
  • I'm exhausted
  • I'm kind of tired
  • I'm wide awake