What Is Your Level Of Empathy?
LAtAluP What Is Your Level Of Empathy? What Is Your Level Of Empathy? Do you often feel too much for others? Do you think you have a high level of empathy? Take these 10 questions and find out just how empathetic you are!

If you see an old woman who needs help loading groceries into her car, what do you do?

If you see an old woman who needs help loading groceries into her car, what do you do?
  • I stop what I'm doing to help
  • I offer to help her
  • I keep doing whatever I was doing
  • I ignore her and move on

If a homeless man asks you for a dollar, how do you respond?

If a homeless man asks you for a dollar, how do you respond?
  • I give him a dollar
  • I give him all that I can
  • I go buy him food instead
  • I tell him I don't have the money
  • I ignore him

Does seeing a tragic story on the news affect you emotionally?

Does seeing a tragic story on the news affect you emotionally?
  • Absolutely
  • Sometimes
  • Never

When a friend or family member experiences a loss, how do you feel?

When a friend or family member experiences a loss, how do you feel?
  • I feel their pain
  • I feel sorry for them
  • I feel bad but try to help
  • It doesn't bother me much

Do you consider yourself a team player or a lone wolf?

Do you consider yourself a team player or a lone wolf?
  • Team player
  • Lone wolf
  • A little bit of both

How do you react when someone vents to you?

How do you react when someone vents to you?
  • I listen completely and then give them advice
  • I do whatever I can to help them feel better
  • I try to distract them from their problems
  • I half listen

If you see an animal being abused, what do you do?

If you see an animal being abused, what do you do?
  • I try to help it in any way I can
  • I call the proper authorities
  • I adopt it and give it a good home
  • I feel bad but do nothing

Are you an idealist or a realist?

Are you an idealist or a realist?
  • Idealist
  • Realist
  • Both
  • I'm not sure

How critical are you of other people?

How critical are you of other people?
  • I'm never critical
  • I can be a bit critical
  • I don't judge others because I don't like to be judged
  • I'm a bit judgmental

Do you get excited when other people get excited?

Do you get excited when other people get excited?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Hardly ever