Which Country Is Your Soul's True Home?
9c96dee Which Country Is Your Soul's True Home? Which Country Is Your Soul's True Home? Home may be where the heart is, but which country is your soul's true home? Do you know where you really belong on this earth or are you still trying to find your place? Take these 10 quiz questions and discover your soul's true home!

Your neighbors dog keeps coming into your yard. What do you do about it?

Your neighbors dog keeps coming into your yard. What do you do about it?
  • Put up a fence.
  • Talk to my neighbor about it.
  • Call animal control.
  • Give the dog pets.
  • Ignore it, it's just a dog!

Think of your values. Which of these is most important to you?

Think of your values. Which of these is most important to you?
  • Peace
  • Freedom
  • Quality of life
  • Creativity
  • Safety

How often do you talk to your neighbors?

How often do you talk to your neighbors?
  • Once a week.
  • Almost everyday.
  • Once a month.
  • I don't have neighbors.
  • Never, why would I?

If a member of your family is feeling ill, what do you do?

If a member of your family is feeling ill, what do you do?
  • Make them a big pot of soup.
  • Take them to the doctor.
  • Bake them something special.
  • Send them funny videos.
  • Ask them if they need me to do anything.

Which of these would you rather see?

Which of these would you rather see?
  • Fields
  • Mountains
  • Beaches
  • Buildings
  • Forest

What do you do when you have extra food?

What do you do when you have extra food?
  • Throw it away.
  • Eat more.
  • Save it for later.
  • Share it with friends.
  • Use it for something else.

Do you enjoy entertaining others?

Do you enjoy entertaining others?
  • Yes, I love to host weekly get togethers!
  • I host the occasional dinner party.
  • Only on the holidays.
  • Entertaining isn't my thing.
  • Depends on my mood!

How often do you travel?

How often do you travel?
  • Once a year.
  • Several times a year.
  • As often as I can.
  • Every few years.
  • Never.

Do you follow politics?

Do you follow politics?
  • Only during an election year.
  • Nah, not my thing.
  • Yes, it's important.
  • Sometimes, but not always.

Who do you ask for help when you need it?

Who do you ask for help when you need it?
  • A family member.
  • A close friend.
  • A neighbor.
  • The internet.
  • No one, I'm very independent.