How “Holy” Are You Quiz?
9267ac3 How “Holy” Are You Quiz? How “Holy” Are You Quiz? We'd all like to think we're holy and in line with spirit, but how holy are you really? Do you live the concepts of the bible more than others? With just 10 simple questions, we can tell you exactly how holy you are right now. You might not be as pious as you think!

What's the last thing you do before bed at night?

What's the last thing you do before bed at night?
  • Watch TV
  • Read
  • Write in a journal

Have you ever spoiled a TV show for someone else?

Have you ever spoiled a TV show for someone else?
  • Yes, but it was an accident.
  • Yes, I get a kick out of it.
  • No, that's blasphemy!

Think long and hard, what are you most thankful for today?

Think long and hard, what are you most thankful for today?
  • My health
  • My job
  • My smartphone
  • My family

You overpaid the IRS and get a refund for $500. What do you with the dough?

You overpaid the IRS and get a refund for $500. What do you with the dough?
  • Spend it on clothes and makeup.
  • Pay off some bills.
  • Go out for a nice dinner with the family.
  • Donate it to charity.

What is your favorite part of Christmas?

What is your favorite part of Christmas?
  • The presents
  • The cookies
  • Being with family
  • The activities

When did you lose your virginity?

When did you lose your virginity?
  • I still have it.
  • In high school.
  • In college.
  • Prefer not to say.

Which is more important to you...

Which is more important to you...
  • Leading by example
  • Following order
  • Doing my own thing

Do you believe tradition is important?

Do you believe tradition is important?
  • Yes, it's very important.
  • It's kind of important.
  • IT's not important.

Do you believe there is one god or many gods?

Do you believe there is one god or many gods?
  • One god.
  • Many gods.
  • Who knows?
  • I don't believe in any god.

Do you go to church?

Do you go to church?
  • Yes, every Sunday and sometimes bible study.
  • On major holidays.
  • Nope, never have never will.