Can We Guess Which Famous Woman You Are?
90f9495 Can We Guess Which Famous Woman You Are? Can We Guess Which Famous Woman You Are? Answer a few questions and let this quiz tell you who you are!

Which of these is your favorite TV show?

Which of these is your favorite TV show?
  • E! News
  • Paula Deen's Home Cooking
  • Today
  • Dr. Phil
  • The Apprentice

Which of these foods make your mouth water the most?

Which of these foods make your mouth water the most?
  • Filet Mignon
  • Pizza
  • Sushi
  • Chicken pot pie
  • Polish dumplings

What's your favorite outdoor activity?

What's your favorite outdoor activity?
  • Dancing
  • Strolling through a park
  • Running/Jogging
  • Playing with kids
  • Skiing

Pick a berry!

Pick a berry!
  • Strawberry
  • Blueberry
  • Boysenberry
  • Raspberry
  • Blackberry

What is your ideal mode of transportation?

What is your ideal mode of transportation?
  • Limousine
  • Private plane
  • Helicopter
  • Walking
  • Bicycle

What is the top quality you look for in a significant other?

What is the top quality you look for in a significant other?
  • Kindness
  • Ambition
  • Playfulness
  • Loyalty
  • Optimism

Pick a fashion accessory.

Pick a fashion accessory.
  • Large fashion ring
  • Earrings
  • Studded clutch
  • Fashion wristwatch
  • Pearl necklace

What's your favorite hobby?

What's your favorite hobby?
  • Exercising
  • Cooking
  • Chatting with people
  • Reading
  • Philanthropy work

How often do you think about your career goals and aspirations?

How often do you think about your career goals and aspirations?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never

Which word describes you best?

Which word describes you best?
  • Organized
  • Composed
  • Giving
  • Determined
  • Enthusiastic