What Type Of Mom Are You?
8e2f5e8 What Type Of Mom Are You? What Type Of Mom Are You? Parenting can be rewarding, but it can also make you want to rip your hair out in tiny clumps. Are you the patient doting mother (with intact hair) or are you the more aggressive tiger mom? Take this quiz and find out!

Your baby is crying in the other room. You're attempting to take in some quiet time but aren't done yet. What do you do?

Your baby is crying in the other room. You're attempting to take in some quiet time but aren't done yet. What do you do?
  • Suck it up and go tend to the baby
  • Let the baby cry it out
  • Wait a few minutes and if the crying continues, go tend to the baby.
  • Ask your partner to deal with it
  • Drop everything and hold the baby until it is calm

What type of schedule do you create for your children?

What type of schedule do you create for your children?
  • There is no schedule. Kids should be kids.
  • Relaxed, with the exception of bedtime.
  • Very strict, Especially when it comes to homework or bedtime.

Your child has to build a Volcano for school. How involved are you in helping them?

Your child has to build a Volcano for school. How involved are you in helping them?
  • Very involved. In fact, I usually end up doing the project for them.
  • I am not involved. But I oversee the project and make sure they're doing it correctly.
  • Not at all involved. I let them use their imagination.
  • I am available if they need help, but I let them do it themselves.
  • I help them and it turns into a fun bonding experience.

When it comes to discipline how would you describe your style?

When it comes to discipline how would you describe your style?
  • Very relaxed
  • Strict
  • Strict when necessary
  • Non-existent

Your child has a pretty nasty cold. What do you do?

Your child has a pretty nasty cold. What do you do?
  • Panic and then never leave their side
  • Take them to the doctor, care for them, and give them medicine
  • Give them over the counter medicine
  • Use holistic medicines and let them work it out
  • Tell them they'll be fine

How do you feel about children and pets?

How do you feel about children and pets?
  • It helps them learn how to care for other beings
  • It teaches them responsibility and compassion
  • It takes time away from me and my child
  • It distracts them from their schoolwork
  • I haven't really thought about it

How do you feel about children dressing themselves?

How do you feel about children dressing themselves?
  • I feel it lets them express their creativity
  • I let them do it, but I guide them on what looks good together
  • I don't let my children dress themselves

How involved are you in your child's social life?

How involved are you in your child's social life?
  • I check all of their social media daily
  • I like to know their friends, but I trust them to make good decisions
  • I am constantly snooping for information
  • I let them know that they can tell me anything, and they do

Your teenage daughter has just broken up with her first boyfriend and is now crying in her room. What do you do?

Your teenage daughter has just broken up with her first boyfriend and is now crying in her room. What do you do?
  • Let her know that I am available to talk if she needs me.
  • Give her space to work it out.
  • Tell her to toughen up.
  • Try to comfort her and talk it out
  • Curse her boyfriend for existing

What is your favorite form of punishment?

What is your favorite form of punishment?
  • No electronics
  • Extra chores
  • Time out
  • Grounding