Do You Actually Belong In the Elizabethan Era?
8dcbe4d Do You Actually Belong In the Elizabethan Era? Do You Actually Belong In the Elizabethan Era? The Elizabethan era is the time period that take place during the reign of Elizabeth I and boy was it a time of contrast! Positivity and optimism was rampant and Shakespeare was writing his classics. Yet, things were so different than they are today! Do you think you may actually belong in the Elizabethan era? Let's find out!

Has anyone ever described you as an old soul?

Has anyone ever described you as an old soul?
  • Yes, all the time.
  • Maybe once or twice.
  • Not that I can recall.

Do you wear glasses or contacts?

Do you wear glasses or contacts?
  • I wear huge thick glasses!
  • I wear contacts.
  • I wear readers.
  • I have perfect vision.

How many books would you say you read per year?

How many books would you say you read per year?
  • At least 12.
  • Maybe 5 or 6.
  • 1 or 2 if I'm feeling ambitious.
  • Nada.

Can you speak any languages other than your own?

Can you speak any languages other than your own?
  • Nope, just my native tongue.
  • Yes, including Latin!
  • Yes, one or two.
  • Not yet, but I'm learning.

Do you ever talk politics or religion at the dinner table?

Do you ever talk politics or religion at the dinner table?
  • Yes, I love a good debate.
  • No, it's bad taste.
  • If the topics come up on their own.

When getting dressed in the morning, you think in terms of...

When getting dressed in the morning, you think in terms of...
  • Fashion
  • Practicality
  • Social standing

Are you the type who always feels cold?

Are you the type who always feels cold?
  • How'd you know?
  • In the winter, not in the summer.
  • Nope, I run pretty hot actually.

You like to prepare your meals...

You like to prepare your meals...
  • From scratch.
  • From the freezer.
  • From a takeout box.

What modern invention could you never live without?

What modern invention could you never live without?
  • Phone
  • Curling iron
  • Filtered water

What are your thoughts on chamberpots?

What are your thoughts on chamberpots?
  • Ew, gross!
  • They had their purpose.
  • Well, when nature calls...