Which Kind Of Grandchild Are You?
8d659f1 Which Kind Of Grandchild Are You? Which Kind Of Grandchild Are You? You might think all grandchildren are one in the same. Quite the contrary! According to science there are five specific types of grandchildren. Which one are you? Are you the kind of grandchild every grandparent dreams of? Let's find out! You may not be the type of grandchild you think you are...

How many times a week do you speak to one of your grandparents on the phone?

How many times a week do you speak to one of your grandparents on the phone?
  • Once a week
  • Twice a week
  • Three times a week
  • Four times a week
  • Zero times a week

Do you live far from your grandparents?

Do you live far from your grandparents?
  • Yes, very far.
  • Kind of far, but it's not too bad.
  • I live right down the street.
  • I live with my grandparents.

Your Grandma needs a ride to her doctor's appointment, but you already have plans with friends. What do you do?

Your Grandma needs a ride to her doctor's appointment, but you already have plans with friends. What do you do?
  • Cancel my plans, Grandma comes first.
  • Push back my plans and hope the appointment goes fast.
  • Tell Grandma I can't take her.
  • Call around and find someone else to take Grandma.

It's your birthday. What kind of gift are you most likely to receive from your grandparents?

It's your birthday. What kind of gift are you most likely to receive from your grandparents?
  • Something expensive, like jewelry.
  • Something sentimental.
  • Cookies or something homemade.
  • A $20 bill in a card.
  • A gift card to my favorite restaurant.

What's your favorite thing to do with your grandparents?

What's your favorite thing to do with your grandparents?
  • Cook or bake.
  • Watch TV.
  • Listen to their stories.
  • Go shopping.
  • Go out to eat.

Sometimes grandparents need a bit of help. What are you willing to do for them?

Sometimes grandparents need a bit of help. What are you willing to do for them?
  • Mow the lawn.
  • Take care of their animals.
  • Take them grocery shopping.
  • Clean their house.
  • Hire them some help.

As a kid, grandma and grandpa were always _______ strict than your parents.

As a kid, grandma and grandpa were always _______ strict than your parents.
  • More
  • Less
  • Neither one.

Would you say your grandparents spoiled you while growing up?

Would you say your grandparents spoiled you while growing up?
  • Most definitely, I got whatever I wanted.
  • Every now and then.
  • Nope, not at all.

What do you most hope to inherit from your grandparents one day?

What do you most hope to inherit from your grandparents one day?
  • Their money.
  • Their work ethic.
  • Their wisdom.
  • Their humor.
  • Their house.

What's your favorite part of visiting grandma/grandpa?

What's your favorite part of visiting grandma/grandpa?
  • The food.
  • The stories.
  • The smells.
  • The hugs.
  • The laughs.