How Well Do You Understand Men?
84ea5b5 How Well Do You Understand Men? How Well Do You Understand Men? Do you think you understand men better than most? It’s time to find out if you truly understand the masculine sex or not. Take these 10 questions and find out how well you understand men!

What qualities do you think men find most important in a potential girlfriend?

What qualities do you think men find most important in a potential girlfriend?
  • Kindness and compassion
  • Attitude and sense of humor
  • Intelligence and confidence
  • Creativity and quirkiness
  • Looks and style
  • Other

When a man says nothing is on his mind, is he typically telling the truth?

When a man says nothing is on his mind, is he typically telling the truth?
  • Most definitely
  • It depends on the circumstances
  • No way

Are men intimidated by independence?

Are men intimidated by independence?
  • Not in the slightest, in fact they prefer it
  • In certain cases
  • Yes extremely intimidated

What's the number one thing that men think about?

What's the number one thing that men think about?
  • Sex
  • Sports
  • Work
  • A movie they watched the night before
  • Eating
  • Other

Is it true that men habitually run from commitment?

Is it true that men habitually run from commitment?
  • Definitely
  • No way
  • It depends on their prior relationships

What kind of style do you think men like best?

What kind of style do you think men like best?
  • Jeans and a t-shirt
  • A pretty sundress
  • Whatever is super trendy
  • Anything that's tight
  • Other

How do you know if a man isn't over his ex?

How do you know if a man isn't over his ex?
  • He can't get through a conversation without mentioning them
  • He still has pictures of her on his phone
  • You've caught him texting her
  • I'm not sure

How long do men think you should wait before sleeping with them?

How long do men think you should wait before sleeping with them?
  • 1 date
  • 2 dates
  • 3 dates
  • A few weeks
  • Men don't care
  • Other

Does a guy care what his friends think of you?

Does a guy care what his friends think of you?
  • Absolutely their opinions count
  • Sometimes
  • Not really

What do men fear most?

What do men fear most?
  • Rejection and failure
  • Being unable to provide
  • Death