Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Controls Your Life?
8322664 Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Controls Your Life? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Controls Your Life? Which of the seven deadly sins has a handle on your life? Are you bound by gluttony? How about lust? Take these 10 questions and find out!

What was the last social media site you were on?

What was the last social media site you were on?
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Reddit
  • Pinterest

If you owe someone money, how long does it take you to pay them back?

If you owe someone money, how long does it take you to pay them back?
  • A week or two
  • A month or two
  • I don't pay them back and hope they forget
  • I have no intention of ever paying them back

What is your dream car?

What is your dream car?
  • A Rolls Royce
  • A Prius
  • A Porsche
  • A Mustang
  • A Tesla
  • Anything that gets good gas mileage

How do you typically spend a Saturday night?

How do you typically spend a Saturday night?
  • Having drinks with the girls
  • Eating at a nice restaurant
  • Watching movies or reading
  • At the club
  • Shopping
  • Hanging out with friends

What kind of restaurant would you prefer to eat at?

What kind of restaurant would you prefer to eat at?
  • Trendy and pricey
  • Cheap and delicious
  • Loud and ambient
  • Intimate and romantic
  • Close and a delivery option

What is your biggest vice?

What is your biggest vice?
  • Sleeping too much
  • Drinking
  • Gambling
  • Being promiscuous
  • Spending money
  • Overeating

Do you easily become jealous when someone has something that you want?

Do you easily become jealous when someone has something that you want?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

How do you behave in an argument?

How do you behave in an argument?
  • A lot like a 4 year old
  • I scream and cry
  • I talk calmly and cooly
  • I refuse to listen
  • I storm off dramatically

How often are you online?

How often are you online?
  • 8 or more hours a day
  • 5-6 hours
  • 2-4 hours
  • 1-2 hours

What's more important money or happiness?

What's more important money or happiness?
  • Money
  • Happiness
  • Both