Can We Guess Your Intelligence Type?
7d3694e Can We Guess Your Intelligence Type? Can We Guess Your Intelligence Type? According to science, there are nine total types of intelligence. Not all of us are one or the other! Can we guess your intelligence type with these 10 personality quiz questions? Let's reveal your true intelligence once and for all!

It's your day off and it happens to be a beautiful summer day. You are most likely to:

It's your day off and it happens to be a beautiful summer day. You are most likely to:
  • Put together a puzzle.
  • Read the latest best seller.
  • Call up some friends to get together.
  • Enjoy some time alone.
  • Head to the park.

When you are trying to come up with ideas for a new project, you are most likely to find inspiration by:

When you are trying to come up with ideas for a new project, you are most likely to find inspiration by:
  • Going online to places like Pinterest.
  • Listenting to a motivational speech.
  • Talking with friends and family.
  • Spending time in nature.
  • Writing out my ideas.

At a party, you're most likely to:

At a party, you're most likely to:
  • Talk with friends.
  • Be the DJ.
  • Network and connect.
  • People watch.
  • Root through the host's things.

You're sitting in the dentist's office waiting for your appointment. How do you choose to pass the time?

You're sitting in the dentist's office waiting for your appointment. How do you choose to pass the time?
  • Doodle.
  • Read an article.
  • Estimate the bill.
  • Text or browse social media.
  • Read a book.

You've been asked to participate in a community play. What role do you perform?

You've been asked to participate in a community play. What role do you perform?
  • Set design
  • Director
  • Treasurer
  • Lead actor
  • Script advisor

How logical are you?

How logical are you?
  • Very logical
  • Somewhat logical
  • Not logical at all

Do you like to be around people all the time?

Do you like to be around people all the time?
  • Not if I can help it.
  • Yes, I draw energy from it.
  • No, that makes me uncomfortable.
  • I can deal with it.

Which of the following games do you excel at most?

Which of the following games do you excel at most?
  • Charades
  • Pictionary
  • Taboo
  • Chess
  • Scrabble

How's your vocabulary?

How's your vocabulary?
  • Passable
  • Decent
  • Fabulous
  • It could use some work

To you, celebrating birthdays is....

To you, celebrating birthdays is....
  • Joyous
  • Awful
  • Passable
  • Irrelevant