Are You More Smart Or Wise?
78c3760 Are You More Smart Or Wise? Are You More Smart Or Wise? Intelligence and wisdom are two different things, meaning you can always be more of one thing than the other. Are you more smart or wise? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out!

How do you feel towards someone who has wronged you?

How do you feel towards someone who has wronged you?
  • I hold a grudge.
  • I forgive and forget.
  • Ignore them.

You're feeling productive today! But your friends ask you to go out on the town with them. What do you do?

You're feeling productive today! But your friends ask you to go out on the town with them. What do you do?
  • I politely decline and do my own thing.
  • I go out and plan on working afterwards.
  • Life is short, I go have fun!

How do you process information?

How do you process information?
  • Logically
  • Emotionally
  • A mix of both

Do you like to express your opinions or listen to the opinions of others?

Do you like to express your opinions or listen to the opinions of others?
  • I like to express my thoughts and opinions.
  • I prefer to listen to others.
  • I like to do both.

What do you do when you try to convince someone to do something?

What do you do when you try to convince someone to do something?
  • Bargain with emotion.
  • Give facts and reasons.
  • I put myself in their shoes.

Do you rely more on knowledge or judgement to solve problems?

Do you rely more on knowledge or judgement to solve problems?
  • Knowledge
  • Judgement
  • A mix of both

How accepting are you of differences?

How accepting are you of differences?
  • Very accepting
  • Somewhat accepting
  • Not accepting at all

Are you more humble or confident?

Are you more humble or confident?
  • I'm more humble.
  • I'm more confident.
  • It depends on the day.

How do you first approach a problem?

How do you first approach a problem?
  • I analyze it thoroughly.
  • I consult friends or family.
  • I look at it from all angles.

What keeps you up at night?

What keeps you up at night?
  • Late night TV.
  • My job.
  • The injustices of the universe.