What Career Were You Actually Meant For?
772b497 What Career Were You Actually Meant For? What Career Were You Actually Meant For? Were you destined to be a teacher? Are you better suited for medicine?

What is your favorite snack?

What is your favorite snack?
  • Popcorn
  • Fruit
  • Chips
  • Pretzels
  • Chocolate

What type of milk is your favorite?

What type of milk is your favorite?
  • Whole
  • 2%
  • 1%
  • Skim
  • Lactose-free

Pick a music genre.

Pick a music genre.
  • Coutry
  • Jazz
  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Rap

How will you most likely die?

How will you most likely die?
  • During sleep
  • By accident
  • Stroke
  • Murder

Where would you like to live?

Where would you like to live?
  • Farm country
  • Small town
  • Beach area
  • Big city

Which would you rather be?

Which would you rather be?
  • Street smart
  • Book smart
  • A good mixture

How often do you and your significant other fight?

How often do you and your significant other fight?
  • Never
  • Rarely
  • Once in a while
  • All the time

Would you like to be famous?

Would you like to be famous?
  • Aw yeah!
  • Heck no!
  • Depends...

What superpower do you wish you could have?

What superpower do you wish you could have?
  • Flight
  • Teleportation
  • Strength
  • Read minds
  • Invisibility

Is a picture worth a thousand words?

Is a picture worth a thousand words?
  • Yes.
  • No.
  • Maybe not 1,000.