Can We Guess The Worst Job You Ever Had?
7671aad Can We Guess The Worst Job You Ever Had? Can We Guess The Worst Job You Ever Had? From the time most of us are teenagers, we have to work to earn our way! Everyone has had bad jobs in their life, but can we guess which one was the worst for you? Did you have one job that you dreaded more than any other? Answer these 10 quiz questions and we'll accurately guess the worst job you ever had!

Was your worst job your first job ever?

Was your worst job your first job ever?
  • It was definitely my first job!
  • I can't recall if it was first, but it was early on.
  • Nope, the worst job came much later.

At your worst job, you typically arrived at work....

At your worst job, you typically arrived at work....
  • Very early in the morning.
  • Around mid-morning.
  • Early afternoon.
  • Early evening.
  • Around dinner.

Did you have to wear a uniform at your worst job?

Did you have to wear a uniform at your worst job?
  • Yes and it was awful.
  • A t-shirt with the logo, nothing more.
  • Just a vest over my regular clothes.
  • Nope, I never wore a uniform.

Were your co-workers around your age?

Were your co-workers around your age?
  • Yes, we were all about the same age.
  • Everyone was a different age.
  • Most people were older than me.
  • I didn't have any co-workers.

Do you like the boss you have at your current job?

Do you like the boss you have at your current job?
  • I'm the boss, so yes!
  • My boss is a little weird.
  • I really like my boss!
  • My boss is on a power trip.
  • I tolerate my boss.

Which skill did you learn from your worst job?

Which skill did you learn from your worst job?
  • Patience
  • Work ethic
  • Compassion
  • Time management
  • Multi-tasking

Did you work indoors or outdoors?

Did you work indoors or outdoors?
  • Indoors
  • Outdoors
  • A bit of both

Have you ever been fired from a job you liked?

Have you ever been fired from a job you liked?
  • Yes, it's happened more than once.
  • Not that I can recall.
  • I've been fired, but not from a job I liked.
  • I've never been fired from anything.

Are you better at working with adults or children?

Are you better at working with adults or children?
  • Adults, for sure.
  • Eh, I'm not sure, I've only worked with adults.
  • I'm better with kids.
  • I'd say I'm good with both.

Which of these industries fits your personality the best?

Which of these industries fits your personality the best?
  • Hospitality
  • Healthcare
  • Travel
  • Law enforcement
  • Education