How Many Lives Do You Have?
754acb1 How Many Lives Do You Have? How Many Lives Do You Have? Do you just have one or are you like a cat with nine lives?

What's the most daring thing you're willing to do?

What's the most daring thing you're willing to do?
  • Skydiving
  • Mountain climbing
  • Probably ride a motorcycle
  • I'm not too sure

What do you desire most in your life?

What do you desire most in your life?
  • Happiness
  • Love
  • Fame
  • Money
  • Other

Before you die, you can have one wish granted. What would be your wish?

Before you die, you can have one wish granted. What would be your wish?
  • To travel to a place I always wanted to
  • To find happiness
  • For my loved ones to be happy
  • I'm not sure

How often do you venture outside?

How often do you venture outside?
  • I'm barely indoors
  • I'm rarely outside
  • I go outside when I have to
  • It's about half and half

Do you have a lot of regrets?

Do you have a lot of regrets?
  • Not at all
  • I have more than I'd like
  • Not too many
  • I have a fair amount

Which of these sound most like you?

Which of these sound most like you?
  • I feel stuck in a rut
  • I'm afraid to do daring things
  • I'm at peace with my life
  • I miss chances I wish I'd taken

What is most challenging to you?

What is most challenging to you?
  • Work
  • Family
  • Love
  • Money
  • None of these

Which of these careers do you think would suit you best?

Which of these careers do you think would suit you best?
  • Warrior
  • Lawyer
  • Poet
  • Doctor

If you ever won the lottery, what would you do with it?

If you ever won the lottery, what would you do with it?
  • Explore the world
  • Give it to loved ones
  • Give most of it to a good cause
  • I'm not really sure

Do you worry about what people think about you?

Do you worry about what people think about you?
  • Of course. Who doesn't?
  • All the time
  • Not really
  • Not at all