Can We Guess Your Current Job?
6faf2e5 Can We Guess Your Current Job? Can We Guess Your Current Job? Our personalities often dictate and decide what job we hold. Do you think we could guess your current job based on your personality? Take these 10 questions and find out!

What do you believe is the most important thing in the world?

What do you believe is the most important thing in the world?
  • Family
  • Money
  • Helping others
  • Spreading knowledge
  • Honesty and compassion

Do you enjoy public speaking or being in front of others on a regular basis?

Do you enjoy public speaking or being in front of others on a regular basis?
  • I love commanding an audience
  • If I know what I'm talking about it doesn't scare me
  • I'd prefer to not be the center of attention
  • I can handle it in small doses

What is your favorite genre of television show?

What is your favorite genre of television show?
  • Medical dramas
  • Crime dramas
  • Family comedy
  • Reality shows
  • Documentaries

How would you describe your best friend?

How would you describe your best friend?
  • Passionate
  • Funny
  • Ambitious
  • Fiery
  • Compassionate

What is your favorite type of store to browse or shop at?

What is your favorite type of store to browse or shop at?
  • A department store
  • An electronics store
  • A book store
  • A grocery store
  • A homestore

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  • Introvert definitely
  • Extrovert
  • Depends on the situation

What was your favorite board game or video game growing up?

What was your favorite board game or video game growing up?
  • Monopoly
  • Super Mario
  • Pictionary
  • Trivial Pursuit
  • Operation

What do you primarily use the internet for?

What do you primarily use the internet for?
  • News/Information
  • Social networking
  • Finances
  • Answering emails
  • Shopping

How do you like to spend your free time?

How do you like to spend your free time?
  • Reading
  • Socializing with friends
  • Hanging out with my family
  • Working out

Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or a realist?

Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or a realist?
  • Optimist
  • Realist
  • Idealist