Which Famous Cartoon Mother Are You?
675decf Which Famous Cartoon Mother Are You? Which Famous Cartoon Mother Are You? Take a trip down memory lane and think about your favorite cartoon. Do you embody that cartoon mother, or are you another cartoon mother altogether? Take this quiz to find out which animated family woman you are!

Which do you do most during the work week: eat out or cook at home?

Which do you do most during the work week: eat out or cook at home?
  • Eat Out
  • Cook At Home

What's your parenting style?

What's your parenting style?
  • Responsible & Caring
  • Funny & Clever
  • Loving & Always Busy
  • Relaxed & Laid-Back

How well do you do with chaos?

How well do you do with chaos?
  • I thrive on chaos.
  • I can handle it pretty well.
  • I hate chaos and try to always prevent it.

Would you let your child throw a tantrum at the supermarket?

Would you let your child throw a tantrum at the supermarket?
  • No, I'd give him what he wants (for the time being).
  • No, I'd drag him out of there.
  • Yes, I'm not giving him what he wants nor leaving without shopping!

Pick a family pet!

Pick a family pet!
  • Dog
  • Lizard
  • Cat
  • Hamster

How many kids are in your ideal family?

How many kids are in your ideal family?
  • 1 or less
  • 2-3
  • 4+

Would you rather be a stay-at-home mom or working mom?

Would you rather be a stay-at-home mom or working mom?
  • Stay-At-Home
  • Working

How would you describe your fashion?

How would you describe your fashion?
  • Colorful & Fun
  • Classic
  • Laid-Back & Comfy

Coffee or tea?

Coffee or tea?
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • No preference

Which of the following is most important to you?

Which of the following is most important to you?
  • To have fun memories with my family
  • To always have my family feel protected and cared for
  • To allow my children to learn life lessons on their own
  • To be a strong role model for my children