How Anti-Social Are You?
64084f7 How Anti-Social Are You? How Anti-Social Are You? Are you as anti-social as you think?

How large is your friend group?

How large is your friend group?
  • Way too many to count
  • Probably a good handful
  • Only about one or two
  • It fluctuates

Which do you dread most?

Which do you dread most?
  • Public speaking
  • Small Talk
  • Being in the spotlight
  • Someone ignoring you

Which method do you prefer to make friends?

Which method do you prefer to make friends?
  • Meeting them online
  • During a party
  • Through a close friend
  • Meeting them anywhere is fine

Where would you be found during a party?

Where would you be found during a party?
  • Off by the food
  • By my friends
  • Chatting with everyone
  • I wouldn't go to a party

How are you at accepting compliments?

How are you at accepting compliments?
  • Just say thanks
  • Compliment them back
  • Probably keep quiet
  • Deny the compliment

Where would you like to be most on a Friday night?

Where would you like to be most on a Friday night?
  • At home
  • Hanging with friends
  • Out on the town
  • Other

Do you like going to restaurants on your own?

Do you like going to restaurants on your own?
  • Yeah, why not?
  • Not at all
  • Depends on my mood

Do you talk easily with clerks, cashiers, waiters, etc.?

Do you talk easily with clerks, cashiers, waiters, etc.?
  • Of course!
  • No I dread talking to them
  • I'm okay with it

Do you feel relieved when plans fall through?

Do you feel relieved when plans fall through?
  • Definitely
  • Depends on with who
  • Depends on my mood
  • Not at all

Do you fear what others think of you?

Do you fear what others think of you?
  • All the time
  • Sometimes
  • Depends on who
  • Not really