Is Your Brain More Teacher Or Student?
624d432 Is Your Brain More Teacher Or Student? Is Your Brain More Teacher Or Student? Some of us think like a student, eager to learn and hungry for more. Others think like a teacher, logically and with a sense of wisdom. Is your brain more student or teacher? Do you want to teach or be taught? Let's take to the quiz for some answers! Your brain may not work the way you think it does.

In school, you were voted....

In school, you were voted....
  • Class clown
  • Most likely to succeed
  • Best dressed

Picture a classroom. Which row would you choose on the first day of school?

Picture a classroom. Which row would you choose on the first day of school?
  • The front row
  • The middle row
  • The back row

When someone is talking, you are always....

When someone is talking, you are always....
  • Actively listening.
  • Drifting off in thought.
  • Looking around.

You've been assigned a project for work. When do you get started?

You've been assigned a project for work. When do you get started?
  • Right away.
  • A week before it's due.
  • The night before it's due.

In your free time, you can almost always be found....

In your free time, you can almost always be found....
  • Reading a new bestseller.
  • Catching up on errands.
  • Binge watching TV.

In your opinion, mornings are for....

In your opinion, mornings are for....
  • Reflection
  • Sleeping
  • Coffee

Do you tend to live life spontaneously or with a set plan?

Do you tend to live life spontaneously or with a set plan?
  • I like to plan everything out.
  • I like to live in the moment.
  • It depends on the day.

Do people often come to you for advice?

Do people often come to you for advice?
  • Yes on anything and everything.
  • Sometimes, on certain topics.
  • Nope, never.

If a stranger were to describe you in one word, they would probably say you were....

If a stranger were to describe you in one word, they would probably say you were....
  • Confident
  • Eccentric
  • Intelligent

If you didn't know the answer to a question, you would....

If you didn't know the answer to a question, you would....
  • Look up the answer.
  • Ask someone for the answer.
  • Shrug it off and move on.