What’s In Your Red Cup?
5c5bcac What’s In Your Red Cup? What’s In Your Red Cup? Hit up any party and you'll likely find a sleeve of those iconic red cups. Can we guess what you're usually sipping on in your red cup? Can your personality really reveal what may be hidden behind that red plastic? Let's find out what you're really drinking at all those parties!

When you picture those red cups, what kind of party comes to mind?

When you picture those red cups, what kind of party comes to mind?
  • A family get together
  • A college rager
  • A kegger
  • Just a few close friends hanging out

What are the lines on a red solo cup for?

What are the lines on a red solo cup for?
  • They don't mean anything.
  • They're refill lines.
  • They're for grip.
  • To measure how much drink you have.

If you had to choose a different color party cup, which would you choose?

If you had to choose a different color party cup, which would you choose?
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Eh, red's fine!
  • Green

Which drinking game are you most likely to play?

Which drinking game are you most likely to play?
  • Quarters
  • Beer pong
  • Flip cup
  • I'm not much for games

Where is it never okay to use a red solo cup?

Where is it never okay to use a red solo cup?
  • At a wedding
  • At your Grandma's birthday
  • At an anniversary party
  • It's always okay!

Do you enjoy fruity beverages?

Do you enjoy fruity beverages?
  • Sure, why not?
  • In moderation.
  • Nah, not really.
  • Sometimes.

What's the best food to eat while drinking?

What's the best food to eat while drinking?
  • A juicy burger
  • Pizza
  • Tacos
  • A chili cheese dog

How often do you actually go to parties?

How often do you actually go to parties?
  • Not very often, maybe twice a year.
  • Once a month or so.
  • Only around the holidays.
  • Weekly!

When do you arrive at a party?

When do you arrive at a party?
  • 15 minutes early
  • Right on time
  • 5 minutes late
  • Whenever I feel like it...

What time should a party start wrapping up at night?

What time should a party start wrapping up at night?
  • 10 or 11, I have a bedtime.
  • Whenever people start to leave.
  • 1 AM or later
  • It ends when it ends.